

[전체] 놀이로 배우는 영어(+원어민교수)

강좌내용 안내로 년도, 담당교수, 강좌기간, 접수기간, 강의시간, 수강료, 수강인원, 교재명, 강좌내용, 강의실, 기타안내, 입금계좌안내 정보제공
수강료(정상가/할인가) 60,000원 / 0원 접수기간 2024-06-16 ~ 2024-07-12
모집상태 마감 강사 Michael Cassidy
모집인원 30명 신청인원 9
강좌기간 2024-07-13 ~ 2024-08-24 강의시간 (토)10:00~11:30
교재명 입금계좌

-Speaking, listening, grammar, vocabulary

주차별 강의계획

주차별 강의계획 리스트로 주차, 월/일, 강의내용, 수업방법, 비고 정보제공
주차 월/일 강의내용 수업방법 비고
1 07/13 "Who Am I?" Self-introduction.
Personal description.
강의, 실습 Grammar: Simple present tense. Activity: "My secret code" (Self-introduction). Game: "Sit or Stand?" TBR (Total Body response) activity. Reading and comprehension skills: Short vowel vs. long vowel worksheets. Game: Telephone number game.
2 07/20 "I'm sick."
Identifying body parts. Describing illness or injury,
강의, 실습 Grammar: The "be" verb. Worksheet: Naming bodyparts. Puzzle: "What's the health problem?" Reading and comprehension skills: Compound consonants worksheets. Game: Phonics racer.
3 07/27 "What's the matter?"
Basic medical English.
강의, 실습 Grammar: Imperatives. Worksheets and puzzles: Learning simple medical expressions for the hospital. Game: "Doctor! Doctor!"
4 08/10 "Who did it?" I
Practicing story-telling.
Past tense regular verbs.
강의, 실습 Grammar: The simple past tense, regular verbs. Listening and comprehension: Scooby Doo (Animation). Worksheets and puzzles: Vocabulary building. Project: Writing English comic books.
5 08/17 "How many/how much?"
Talking math English.
Counting large numbers.
강의, 실습 Grammar: Countable vs. uncountable nouns. Worksheet: Translate math written in words to numbers and back again. Golden bell game: math word problems.
6 08/24 "Where is it?"
Describing location.
Giving directions.
Basic geography English.
강의, 실습 Grammar: Prepositions of location. Puzzle: "How do I go to...?" Activity: Giving directions. Game: "Maze runner". Golden bell game: Geography quiz.
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